Public Historian
Parks Canada
Committee of Peers
Professional Activities
CD Books

Interdepartmental Historical Research Committee of Peers. Robert Passfield joined Parks Canada in June 1974 at the entry level for an Historical Researcher (HR-01); and was promoted by management to the working level for a Historical Researcher (HR-02) in May 1975. Subsequently, he was awarded merit promotions upon appraisal of his research work, publications, and professional activities, by the Interdepartmental Historical Research Committee of Peers, to the Peers HR-03 level in April 1984; to the Peers HR-04 level in September 1991; and to the Peers HR-05 level in April 2003 – the highest level that a research historian can attain in the Canadian Public Service.
Queen's University (Kingston), Department of Mechanical Engineering Committee of Peers, January 1990. Served as Adjunct Referee, and at the request of the Committee of Peers prepared an appraisal of the engineering history publications of an Associate Professor under consideration for promotion to full Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Parks Canada, Departmental Historical Research Committee of Peers. As Senior Historian, served as a member of the Departmental Committee of Peers from March 1998 to August 2004, evaluating candidates at the departmental level for submission to the Interdepartmental Historical Research Committee of Peers for consideration for a merit promotion.
Evaluation Criteria, Departmental Historical Research Committee of Peers. During 2003, worked with the Director, Historical Services Branch, in revising the evaluation criteria governing merit promotion by the Historical Research Committee of Peers to the levels of Peers HR-03, Peers HR-04, and Peers HR-05, to secure a better balance between the weighing of publications and professional activities, and outstanding in-house work in support of the Parks Canada program. The revised criteria were subsequently accepted by the Interdepartmental Historical Research Committee of Peers for evaluating candidates for a peer promotion.
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